
Word hard but no play :(

I feel like i wanna give up this job , totally not my interest at all . those shit and crap i have to listen to like hundred times now feel so sick of what my accountant collegue say , you have to stay until bla bla bla , for the sake of bonus ? what if i don't want to have bonus ? My happiness is my bonus , but for the sake of experience and money so i have to stay in that company until next year ?

Still struggling still learning , i hope i can quit , i know i know i shouldn't be ....but i really unhappy working in this environment , exact same thing almost and very commercial thing , nothing creative , no collegue that similiar interest with me , just same old same old kind .

I am looking forward to the day that i last step foot in the company and start a new life in somewhere else . Routine working life isn't my thing really

I know what i want but i don't know how to get it , that's the problem . I don't like to be consistancy ....everything have to be 99% accurate . My biggest weakness , man !

I rather work in retail store than working in office , i freaking hate office job so much , after this job i maybe not giving the design job a chance anymore . Maybe i should be teacher , since i don't need to Ot but i have lof of paper work and school work to prepare .

Although i shouldn't compare myself to other ppl life but i really envious about my old college mate and my senior and my junior for doing what they like . Since when can i do what i like and FXck what other ppl think ....i don't want to care what ppl think , but i really want to stick to ART field not design not printing . But what the hell am i doing there anyway ? for the sake of gainning experience , seem like pretty pathetic ......*sigh*

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